Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Be still.

Yesterday began at 4:45 am for me, as I woke up to a great big white bed of snow.

Now, this is not a normal start time for me.  Believe me. But I just couldn't go back to sleep with all that snow out there, just waiting to be enjoyed. So, at 6:00 am, I finally ventured out {{in my pink fuzzy socks and wellies - hey, I'm from Florida}}.  And as the first light of morning started to make its presence known across the soft mounds of freshly laden snow....

....the world was quiet. Still. At peace.

There was no one around but me.  No cars on the road.  Or people walking about.  Just quiet.  Time was frozen in this moment, all around me.  And it was perfect.

All I could think of in the moments that seemed to slow down just for me yesterday was Psalm 46:10, which reads:

Be still and know that I am God.

All around me were little miracles. Pieces of a magical day that God gave to me.

There have been struggles and hardships in the days since Dominick has left for Air Force Basic Training, but God says, "Be still, child. Look all around you. I'm taking care of you."

The blessings of God are abundant and new every day.  So, what's your snow day?  I hope you soak up the rich blessings of God. And don't forget to: be still.

1 comment:

  1. Love this post and look forward to "following" you! I've learned that the blog world can be such a blessing. Know that I'm praying you through your time away from Dominick and hoping you can use this time to grow in the One True God!

